Our vital water
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has a strong combined water expertise. We work with everything from advanced water treatment technology to acidified lakes and the development of a sustainable blue economy.
Working with clean water and healthy aquatic environments is one of our largest areas of activity. We carry out risk assessments, inventories and environmental studies of how various activities affect groundwater, watercourses, lakes and marine ecosystems.
At SWIC - Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Center - we test world-leading technology to reuse and utilize treated wastewater. On Gotland, we are developing methods to utilize rainwater. At Kristineberg Marine Research Station, we have had significant marine activities for many years, focusing on pollution in the marine environment and sustainable aquaculture. Contact us when you need a holistic approach to water issues.
Ongoing research on water
Services offered by IVL in the field of water
The latest news in water
Contact IVL's water experts
