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  5. Keys to the circular public procurement process
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Keys to unlocking the barriers in the circular public procurement process

The overall aim is to find methods that make it easier for public sector organisations to engage in circular procurement.

In the project, IVL collaborates with the Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities and the City of Gothenburg to develop and disseminate methods and good examples.

The project is planned to be implemented in the following four steps:

  1. Analysis and review of current regulations and ongoing regulatory changes that affect circular procurement. This is mapped and described through several typical situations that a contracting authority may need to consider where the various regulations should be handled differently in the procurement process.
  2. Evaluate how some ten circular procurements carried out in recent years have worked and what lessons the public actors have learnt regarding working methods and the results of procurement in the form of purchased goods and services.
  3. To analyse the use of environmental spend analyses (Miljöspendanalys) as a basis for decisions on issues relating to strategic positions and priorities for circular procurement.
  4. Based on the analyses, develop a practical guide for circular procurement in cooperation with participating municipal procurers.

Project facts

  • Project name: Keys to unlocking the barriers in the circular public procurement process
  • Budget: 3 919 826 SEK
  • Funding: The Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, Formas.
  • Partners: The Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR), the Administration for purchasing and procurement in the City of Gothenburg
  • Period: 2022 - 2024