Smart City Sweden - Export platform for sustainable cities
Smart City Sweden aims to increase the export of Swedish solutions and innovations within sustainable cities.
By highlighting Swedish companies and best practice and with the possibility to visit six offices around Sweden, Smart City Sweden contributes to spreading knowledge about Swedish solutions, at the same time as it helps other countries in the work with reaching the Global Goals.
The Smart City Sweden headquarters is located in Hammarby sjöstad; one of the world’s first sustainable city projects. Smart City Sweden has partners all over Sweden, from Malmö in the south to Umeå in the north. The offices welcome delegations from all over the world who are interested in implementing Swedish solutions within the focus areas climate, energy, environment, mobility, urban planning, digitalisation and social sustainability.
The project is coordinated by the Swedish Energy Agency and managed by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
Project facts
- Smart City Sweden
- Budget: 85 million SEK
- Financed by: Energimyndigheten (Swedish Energy Agency)
- Coordinator: Swedish Energy Agency
- Partners: Energimyndigheten, Vinnova, Business Sweden, Trafikverket, Naturvårdsverket, Lantmäteriet, Tillväxtverket, Boverket, Business Region Göteborg, Sustainable Business Hub, North Sweden Cleantech, Dalarna Science Park, Cleantech Östergötland, Swedish Cleantech, Finansdepartementet
- Period: 2018 - 2021