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  5. Expectations and displacement effects of electrifying municipal transportation
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Expectations and displacement effects of electrifying municipal transportation

There is an increase in the number of municipalities choosing to electrify their public transportation system. Many of these have established biofuel, e.g. biogas, systems. It is important to address and review the implications of the emergence of electrified systems, and the consequences that may arise for regional bio-based and circular economy.

IVL and Lund University and a large collection of industry and branch organizations have started the project “Implications of Electrifying Municipal Transportation Systems: Regional Consequences for Biogas Production”, with funding from the Swedish Energy Agency and f3-Swedish Knowledge Center for Renewable Transportation Fuels.

The aim of the project is to review the broader systemic implications of these choices on a regional perspective to understand the potential consequences of replacing developed biogas systems with electric bus transport systems, political issues surrounding a shift to electrification, displacement effects and opportunities and implications for regional sustainability.

The decisions to switch to electrified buses may not be entirely holistic, and it is hard to understand the implications of these choices, both on the environmental performance and their socio-economic systems.

The project will employ a unique perspective to understand the expected outcomes and displacement effects for established markets communicated by advocates of these electrification and biogas.

Project facts

  • Implications of Electrifying Municipal Transportation Systems: Regional Consequences for Biogas Production
  • Budget: 1,8 MSEK
  • Financed by: Swedish Energy Agency and f3 – Swedish centre for renewable transportation fuels and systems
  • Partners: Biogas Öst, Energigas Sverige, Gasum, Innovatum, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Power Circle, SCANIA, Storstockholms Lokaltrafik
  • Period: 2019 - 2020