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  3. ProScale - A life cycle oriented method to assess toxicological potentials of product systems (2017)

ProScale - A life cycle oriented method to assess toxicological potentials of product systems (2017)

The ProScale method was developed in an industrial consortium with expertise both from the Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Assessment areas. ProScale is intended as an easy-to-use and widely applicable method that can cover both human and eco-toxicity aspects. Currently available in this report is a module for assessing direct exposure related Human Toxicity Potentials in a life cycle perspective compatible with Life Cycle Assessments including Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).

The ProScale methodology is based on chemical hazard described by substance classification (H-phrases) in the GHS/CLP classification system, occupational exposure limits (OEL) or Derived No Effect Levels (DNEL), and an exposure dose based on ECETOC Tiered Risk Assessment (TRA). ProScale scores are derived separately for inhalative, oral and dermal exposure routes. The document provides scientific background as well as practical guidance to the practitioner to carry out a ProScale assessment.